apa VIE apa MOARTA /// VIVID water & NUMB water

The hero is dead. But the story is not finished yet, because the girl touches the wound with 3 twigs of sweet-apple. Few drops of 'numb water' and the wound is healed and then few drops of 'vivid water' and the life returns. The hero is born again, as a new man.
Life can't appear and grow in a dry, sterile world. The hatches express the fertile environment, where life is invited to spring and it's supported. Streams, rain-drops, waves – they only describe a path, but not a proper defined shape. That's why the hatches don't appear stand-alone, but subscribed to certain shapes they come to complete, to fulfill: diamonds and egg-shapes.
The hatches discovered on the cave-walls (19.000 – 12.000) were later transferred on idols, on the aprons and on the breasts of the goddesses, enriching the areas responsible with life-giving and life-nourishing. Later, on ceramic, the hatches appear more and more sophisticated and complex, describing nuances, together with fishes, water-birds, snakes and leaves.
Vivid water, numb water; flowing water, stagnant water; rivers, "necklace of lakes": Bucharest had them all. This area was highly populated even since 100.000 – 35.000 B.C. Traces from neolithic are also plenty: the Goddess from Vidra, Dudesti culture, Boian culture, and of course, Gumelnita. Bucharest grew on a swamp and I love it.
I'm a city-girl but I'm grateful for all this mud around. It's not dirt, it's the most fertile ground.

Sabar, one of our many rivers:

Eroul a murit. Dar povestea continua, pentru ca fata atinge rana cu 3 smicele de mar dulce. Stropeste cu apa moarta si rana se vindeca, apoi stropeste cu apa vie, ce readuce viata. Eroul renaste ca un om nou.
Viata nu are cum sa apara si sa reziste intr-un mediu arid, sterp.
Ideea de mediu fertil si propice vietii a fost reprezentata prin hasuri. Suvoaie si picaturi de apa, rafale si valuri, au traiectorie, dar nu forma proprie. La fel si hasurile, care nu apar singure, ci incadrate in formele pe care vin sa le completeze, implinindu-le, romburi si contururi ovoidale.
Hasurile de pe peretii pesterilor (19.000-12.000) s-au transferat pe idoli, pe fustele si pe sanii zeitelor, marcand zonele care dau viata si hranesc / intretin viata. Apoi hasurile au trecut pe ceramica, au devenit din ce in ce mai complexe si diverse, exprimand nuante si au fost insotite de pesti, pasari acvatice, serpi si frunze.
Apa vie, apa moarta; ape curgatoare, ape statatoare; rauri, salba de lacuri: Bucuresti le-a avut pe toate. Aceasta zona a fost intens populata inca din anii 100.000 – 35.000 ien. Din neolitic au ajuns la noi Zeita de la Vidra si dovezi ale culturilor Dudesti, Boian si Gumelnita.

Bucurestiul a crescut pe o mlastina. Cei ce se supara ca se murdaresc de noroi sa vada si partea plina a paharului: noroiul asta este cel mai fertil pamant al nostru. Bucuresti, te iubesc !  
