traditional Romanian, Macedonian, Indian - teardrops - ca 2 picaturi de apa


Mehendi (henna designs) is a form of body-art practiced in several countries. I've learned about it while I was in India, 10 years ago, and my favourite motif was the tear-drop; perhaps because it looked so familiar. Women in Turkey, Balkans, south Romania – were wearing a couple of drops as belt-buckle. At that time I imagined that the tear 'came' into Macedonia from India, during cultural and commercial exchanges in the time of Alexander the Great.
But: what if the drops were already here?
The GODDESS has similar designs, in exactly the same place. Why?
Perhaps because women are women all over the world.
The drops = the moisture – it's a fertility symbol and, anatomically speaking, they couldn't be located in a better place.
A story says that in west Carpathian Mountains, in Romania, women who didn't want to have any more children, could "lock" the fertility. During a special ritual, keys were attached onto their belt.
If it's true or not, if it works or not, if the keys or the drops have any special powers, we don't know.
But the message it's strong: be wise and don't waste your tears!

Mehendi este o arta a impodobirii corpului cu desene-simboluri, pictate cu pasta de henna. Am invatat si eu acum 10 ani, cand am fost in India. Si modelul meu preferat a fost si a ramas "lacrima" / picatura, poate tocmai pentru ca o simteam un pic si a noastra. In Turcia, in tarile din Balcani, in sudul Romaniei, aceste picaturi fac parte din portul traditional – se poarta pereche si se numesc paftale. Pe atunci eram convinsa la "lacrima" a ajuns in Macedonia adusa din India in timpul lui Alexandru cel Mare.
Dar e posibil ca sa fi fost aici de cand lumea.
Zeita de la Cucuteni poarta si ea un fel de paftale. Poate ca toate femeile au simtit la fel, au stiut la fel si s-au exprimat la fel. Din punct de vedere anatomic, paftalele nu pot fi plasate mai potrivit.
Pentru ca picatura, apa, umezeala, este un semn al fertilitatii.
O poveste spune ca celebrele chei purtate de femeile din Tinutul Padurenilor au rol exact opus: ele pot "incuia" fertilitatea, in cazul in care femeia nu-si mai doreste si alti copii.
Toate acestea sunt povesti si nu putem demonstra stiintific nici despre chei si nici despre lacrimi cum ca ar avea puteri speciale. Important este sa nu le irosim.


  1. Raluca Alexandru11 mai 2016 la 09:37

    Motivul indian eu l-am invatat ca "palmeta indiana" si este primul ornament imprimat. Cu latul palmei bagat in vopsea, femeile stampilau materialul textil - este prima forma de imprimare, prin transfer. Eu asta am invatat. Acest model s-a rafinat si s-a diversificat tot mai mult, apare in nenumarate forme, este redat in multe tehnici, etc. Despre forma paftalei stiam ca e o varietate a palmetei indiene. Eu asa am invatat in Facultate, recunosc, la ornamentica.


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